Congratulations to Mr. Xiaozhou Xin for his paper 4D Printing Auxetic Metamaterials with Tunable, Programmable, and Reconfigurable Mechanical Properties has been published by Advanced Functional Mater...
Congratulations to Ms. Fenghua Zhang for her paper Shape Memory Polyurethane Microcapsules with Active Deformation has been published by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Congratulations to Ms. Fengfeng Li for her paper Temperature dependence of elastic constants in unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced shape memory polymer composites has been published by Mechanics o...
Congratulations to Mr. Qinghua Guan for his paper Novel bending and helical extensile/contractile pneumatic artificial muscles inspired by elephant trunk has been published by Soft Robotics
Congratulations to Ms. Melly, Stephen Kirwa for her paper On 4D printing as a revolutionary fabrication technique for smart structures has been published by SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES
Congratulations to Ms. Madhubhashitha Herath for her paper Light activated shape memory polymers and composites: A review has been published by European Polymer Journal
Congratulations to Ms. Cheng Lin for her paper The compatibility of polylactic acid and polybutylene succinate blends by molecular and mesoscopic dynamics has been published by International Journal o...
Congratulations to Mr. Lan Xin for his paper World's first spaceflight on-orbit demonstration of a flexible solar array system based on shape memory polymer composites has been published by SCIENCE CH...