Congratulations to Nan Li for her paper A 4D-printed programmable soft network with fractal design and adjustable hydrophobic performance has been published by Matter!
Congratulations to Wei Zhao for his paper 4D printed shape memory metamaterials with sensing capability derived from the origami concept has been published by Nano Energy!
Congratulations to Zhongxin Ping for his paper Effects of Accelerated Aging on Thermal, Mechanical and Shape Memory Properties of Cyanate-Based Shape Memory Polymer: III Vacuum Thermal Cycling has bee...
Congratulations to Ce Li for his paper Preparation and properties of shape memory PEG/IEM resin and Its composite designed for ureter stent has been published by Advance Healthcare Materials!
Congratulations to Yunqiang Hu for his paper Thermo-aqueous coupling behaviors for shape memory hydrogels: A statistical–mechanical model and simulations faced with experiments has been published by I...
Congratulations to Zhengxian Liu for his paper Temperature dependence analysis of mechanical properties and bending behaviors of shape memory programmable composites has been published by Composite St...
Congratulations to Peilei Xu for his paper Dynamic characteristics and active vibration control effect for shape memory polymer composites has been published by Composite Structures!
Congratulations to Ce Li for his paper Preparation and Properties of Shape Memory PEG/IEM Resin and Its Composite Designed for Ureter Stent has been published by Advanced Healthcare Mater!