Congratulations to Mr. Zhaokun Ren for his paper Damage and failure in carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy filament-wound shape memory polymer composite tubes under compression loading has been published by...
Congratulations to Ms. Cheng Lin for her paper 4D printing of personalized shape memory polymer vascular stents with negative Poisson’s ratio structure A preliminary study has been published by SCIEN...
Congratulations to Ms. YueJia Li for her paper 4D printed shape memory polymers and their structures for biomedical applications has been published by SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences
Congratulations to Ms. Tianzhen Liu for her paper 4D printed anisotropic structures with tailored mechanical behaviors and shape memory effects has been published by Composites Science and Technology....
Congratulations to Mr. Wei Zhao for his paper Personalized 4D printing of bioinspired tracheal scaffold concept based on magnetic stimulated shape memory composites has been published by Composites Sc...
Congratulations to Ms. Dou Zhang for her paper Ultra-light release device integrated with screen-printed heaters for CubeSat’s deployable solar arrays has been published by Composite Structures.
Congratulations to Ms. Cheng Lin for her paper 4D-Printed Biodegradable and Remotely Controllable Shape Memory Occlusion Devices has been published by Advanced Functional Materials.
Congratulations on the success of ICCM 2023